What is going on? Let’s Get Physical!

What is going on? Let’s Get Physical!

In 2018 the World Health Organisation released information about each country and its Body Mass Index. Whilst Australia is not the most obese country, 26.8% of adults are still considered to have a BMI greater than 30. A healthy range is between 18.5- 24.5.  

What is more alarming is the data collated by the Global Active Healthy Kids Alliance. This data tracked many aspects of children including screen time, health and physical activity.

Unfortunately, the Australian report card received a D-.  

So what are we doing – or not doing?  

First of all, there is NO MAGIC PILL, NO FAD DIET, NO SHAKE that will make you fitter, healthier or leaner in the long run.  

We all need to move more, and eat healthier. The World Health Organisation suggests every person over the age of 5 needs at least 60 minutes of “huff and puff” exercise daily.  

But how do we do it?  

Here are 7 simple ways you and your family can move more and help Australia be a healthier place to live.  

1 – Active Transport:

Find ways in which to move rather than taking the car Walk to school or work.

Walk, ride or scooter to the local shops  

Park further away and walk to your destination  

2 – Organised Sport:

Join your local Footy, Soccer, Netball team  

3- Ditch the screen:

Remember when mum used to say that watching TV would make your eyes go square?  

Play old-school board games colour in. 

Crossword puzzles.

Go outside and play. 

Cook a healthy meal.

Take the dog for a walk  

If taking screens away is difficult try incorporating them in a fun way. You can try activities like Geocaching, taking pictures of flowers or other interesting things in your community. 

4 – Join Power to Move!  

5 – Find an accountable person to keep you on track.  

6 – Explore where you live  

7 – Do Parkrun  

If you have a way that keeps you moving each day let us know, we would love to share your story. 

Power to move come and try fitness class